3Friends 6Fans
female Alor Setar, Malaysia
gingerline wonders
15 years ago
if her plan works tomorrow..
gingerline wants
15 years ago
food... 'rice is for energy,' said adik
gingerline feels
15 years ago
nothing.. dah 3 kali kena observe tapi class tetap bising.. camne tu?
gingerline wonders
15 years ago
kenapa lelaki hensem suka perasan... tak boleh ke act normal? menjatuhkan saham lelaki hensem yg lain je..
gingerline is
15 years ago
going to a friend's wedding tomorrow... but b4 that kena gotong-royong pulak...
gingerline says
15 years ago
thank you Allah
gingerline hopes
15 years ago
the problem is settled...
gingerline says
15 years ago 1
padan muka to herself
gingerline hopes
15 years ago
it's not what she think it is....
gingerline hopes
15 years ago
pn haslynda won't come this week