66Friends 85Fans
female Pittsburgh, PA, United States
All-around geek girl and co-founder of EBSQ
Amie feels
15 years ago
a touch of the stomach bug that took me out for the count last week. Heading to bed early to nip this in the bud, post haste. :-&
Amie has
15 years ago 2
just survived pre-school stage fright from hell day x2 (christmas recitals at both pre-school and ballet class today) I can has margarita?
Amie wonders
15 years ago 2
if the girl child will manage to stay in her big girl bed tonight or if I'll get another night of being kicked in my lower back nonstop.
Amie wonders
15 years ago
how much crazier this week is going to get. I'm already exhausted!
Amie wonders
15 years ago 1
(thanks to a question asked by the girl child) why we get hail storms in the summer but not the winter. I will have to look this one up!
Amie is
15 years ago 4
feeling invisible. I wonder what other super powers I have today.
Amie asks
15 years ago
how does one embed a photobucket video onto wordpress? I'm using their hosted version and it's not cooperating.
Amie has
15 years ago 4
just finished eating the first truly solid non-dry toast food she's attempted in 3 days. FINALLY feeling human again. Woot!
Amie has
15 years ago 5
some sort of stomach flu. :-&
Amie asks
15 years ago
need some serenity amid the holiday bustle? Try Vaka by Sigur Ros: Sigur Ros - Untitled 1 Heima Live BBC Electric Proms (Vaka)