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male Toronto, ON, Canada
Web Developer, photographer, writer and artist.
16 years ago
Slept on it, woke up uneasy. McCain seems a mentally damaged war-monger, Obama a clear-headed diplomat, that isn't choice, that's obvious
16 years ago
Nice work Obama, I give the night to you... I just hope most of the USA feels the same way
16 years ago
hahahah... Jim Lehrer just reminded me, Biden and Palin have yet to debate, my god it's going to be a massacre
16 years ago
Frighteningly.... plastic exfoliants don't biodegrade and are flushed directly into water ways, reaping havoc on filtration organisms.
16 years ago
From terrible humans (see previous post).. to amazing ones.. Google is cool...
16 years ago
Ok, this officially scares the shit out of me...
ghostmonk has
16 years ago
finished reading three interesting books, "The Shock Doctrine", "The Brain that Changes Itself" and "50 Questions on Antisemitism".
ghostmonk wonders
16 years ago
how much of an impact my computing has on the environment.
ghostmonk is
16 years ago
reading "The World Without Us" by Alan Weisman.
ghostmonk is
16 years ago
taking action, and will stop using plastic bags altogether.. including the recycled, biodegradable kind, which are misleading.