5Friends 1Fans
male Chula Vista, CA, United States
15 years ago
"Pulya v serdce Mozg na dvercu Nimb i kryl'ya odevaem Belyj plaschik Dushu v nebo Slozhim v yaschik Otpuskaem
geekboii says
15 years ago 2
Goodnight or should I say good morning! I'm going for my ZzzZzz's
15 years ago
whoa, any of you guys watching the Osbournes Reloaded? This guy is about to get married on National TV haha
geekboii thinks
15 years ago
the Osbournes Reloaded is hilarious!
15 years ago
geez! This Adam guy can sing his butt off!
15 years ago
Allison hmmm so so tonight on AI
15 years ago 35
just saw Anoop Dawg in American Idol.. not so good (woot) (woot)
15 years ago
hmm frosted flakes for lunch.. They're GREAT! (woot)
geekboii thinks
15 years ago
that North Korea has no cajones to go to war with Japan! Can you say bluffing? bwahahaha (LOL)
geekboii is
15 years ago
watching "The Family Man" and reading up on the golf course beating in the Philippines.