85Friends 54Fans
male Boynton Beach, FL, United States
I'm a storehouse of useless information. I absorb knowledge like a sponge. I'm a Pescatarian, and a Programmer / Web Designer / Nature Photographer
gecko68 says
16 years ago 2 - "The Community Strikes Back." or is that "This time it's personal"
gecko68 says
16 years ago
My GOD is the Hulk... and the lord says "Hulk Smash Puny Human!"
gecko68 says
16 years ago
Christians steal Atheist sign. Ignore "Thou Shalt not Steal"
gecko68 says
16 years ago
Top 3 automaker execs were asked "How they got to washington." GM CEO replied "We drove in a HyBIRD.. I didn't even know we made them."(jk)
gecko68 says
16 years ago
Bratz dolls are being pulled from shelves over lawsuit with Mattel's Barbie. Manufacturer will replace them with the new "Beyatch!" dolls
gecko68 says
16 years ago 1
My online interview ...
gecko68 says
16 years ago
Is XSLT dead?
gecko68 says
16 years ago 3
Considering how much people love Bacon, and that humans taste like pork, its odd there is not more cannibalism.
gecko68 says
16 years ago
The CEO's of the Big 3 Automakers said they will reduce their salaries to $1.00, and sell their jets. How is that a plan to profitability?
gecko68 says
16 years ago
I'm on Vox anyone else?