myung h e e
71Friends 58Fans
female Seattle, WA, United States
You could say I am random.
You could say I am dorky.
You could say I am an alpha.

But never, EVER say I am a poseur.Because that is just the opposite of true.

I don't need a math teacher to tell me that

myung h e e says
15 years ago 4
trying to learn OH dance. i need pom poms. :-(
myung h e e says
15 years ago
I dont think Imma go for SHINee fansigning event. Especially since Key's gonn be emo and stuff.
myung h e e says
15 years ago 5
Key, hold on. we're here for you.
myung h e e says
15 years ago
won the matches for yt.
myung h e e says
15 years ago
Sadly, I can't Photoshop basketball posters tonight.
myung h e e says
15 years ago
myung h e e says
15 years ago
i hafta be here all night long
myung h e e says
15 years ago
Won first set. 4/LUV.
myung h e e says
15 years ago
the tournament is only for juniors. Like moi
myung h e e says
15 years ago
why are there like, no INTERESTING people here today.