2Friends 11Fans
male San Diego, CA, United States
garyware says
12 years ago
Note to self: The yellow and white Harry Potter jellybeans are rotten eggs not buttered popcorn.
garyware says
12 years ago
Thought for the day: We exist to make great things, so what are you doing to make your mark?
garyware says
12 years ago
There's nothing more satisfying than crossing the last item off your todo list by 5:30 on a Friday! TGIF
garyware says
12 years ago
Longest game of UNO EVER!! 2+ hours
garyware says
12 years ago
Just ran home to feed the dog, now I'm headed to do some improv with my NCT buddies. I've been going through withdraws.
garyware says
12 years ago
Yoda & I are excited about our first CriticalMass
garyware says
12 years ago
QTD: "Whether you think you can, or you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford
garyware says
12 years ago
You know you are old when you are talking about having the cuter niece. I think I win. krikoriankrawl
garyware says
12 years ago
Creepy is walking in a parking lot and turning around to find a Prius following you. DamnThemSilentCars
garyware says
12 years ago
QTD In the long history of humankind & animal kind too, those who learned to collaborate & improvise most effectively have prevailed -Darwin