50Friends 21Fans
female Austin, TX, United States
To me, Fearless is not the absense of fear. It's not being completely unafraid. To me, Fearless is having fears. Fearless is having doubts. Lots of them. To me, Fearless is living in spite of those things that scare you to death.
.•*AzuL*•. dice
13 years ago 19
Mi karma anda bien fuchi fuchi :-(
.•*AzuL*•. desea
13 years ago 3
Muy buenas nochecitas plurkworld ya caigo de suenio (: pero me acorde de mi mentado Karma :-P
.•*AzuL*•. dice
13 years ago 7
buenos dias peques y a sonreirle a la vida, It's a beautiful world :-))
.•*AzuL*•. dice
13 years ago 5
no puedes jugar con los sentimientos de otra persona simplemente por q no crees estar seguro de los tuyos u.u
.•*AzuL*•. siente
13 years ago 1
sorry but I'm not ready to read you and her together :-( that's all
.•*AzuL*•. dice
13 years ago 4
pues a tomar vacasiones se a dicho :-)) los extraniare a todos (cozy)
.•*AzuL*•. siente
13 years ago 4
(angry) (tears) (:
.•*AzuL*•. dice
13 years ago 10
no me queria emocionar pero es mas q evidente q lo estoy :-P
.•*AzuL*•. comparte
13 years ago 18
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