[intro] Since I'm adding a bunch of JA people. Hi! I'm Rowan, and I'll be playing Yaichirou. This plurk is just for RP and occasional fandom things so it shouldn't clog your timelines much.
[JA] Accepted! \o/ That's the fastest I've ever had an app processed, I think.
[Pacific Rim] You know, I wonder if the Drift could be used as a therapy tool.
History sections remain my least favorite part of apps.
[AA:I] I FINALLY FINISHED THIS STUPID GAME. :| Still unenthusiastic.
[Jaeger Academy] Well, Yaichirou got along with Sugane for 10 whole comments before he started sniping at him... /facepalm
[Meme] Who do you ship my characters with?
[House of Cards/ S1 spoilers] Does anyone else watch this?
Heads' up, no tags tonight or tomorrow. Work's busy and I'm climbing and Freesiding in the evenings.
[Jaeger Academy] Let me christen my new RP plurk by gushing for a minute because yes