gaily gail
43Friends 48Fans
female Manila, Philippines
gail is a four eyed creature.

she has her glasses on most of the time. :-D
no one would've known she had a bat's eye... if not for her extra pair of eyes. :-D
gaily gail is
14 years ago
the laundrywoman. (gym)
gaily gail needs
14 years ago 3
to UP-karma (gym)! HELP!
gaily gail is
14 years ago
thinking... (unsure)
gaily gail needs
14 years ago 1
to go on vacation from plurk or her KARMA will surely decline... (gym)
gaily gail has
14 years ago
to eat. She also needs to do her laundry and buy herself a watch.
gaily gail asks
14 years ago
kArma, KARMA... karma... UP-KARMA! (chakra me) :-) :-D
gaily gail is
14 years ago
exhauasted! (gym)
gaily gail has
14 years ago
gaily gail has
14 years ago
a panel interview tomorrow. Please pray for me. Thanks. I'm nervous about it.
gaily gail is
14 years ago
glad to be home. :-) Thank God for a wonderful day's work. B-)