9Friends 15Fans
female Brisbane, Australia
Single, but looking.
Rabid knitter. I always have something on the go and take knitting with me everywhere - you never know when you'll get time to get a row in.

Also love astrology and tarot.
fyrewitch has
15 years ago
come to the conclusion that I'm allergic to the alpaca I'm knitting with.
fyrewitch wishes
15 years ago 1
everyone a happy Friday
fyrewitch needs
15 years ago
to get ready and head to school. Time to sit in the heat for the school assembly. Over summer already and it hasn't started yet!
fyrewitch shares
15 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/5064026_ffc8cb53e7548f11e34ef021b0959bc9.jpg Lates facepainting effort
fyrewitch has
15 years ago
done the vacuuming, and lit pretty candles. Knitting can now commence
15 years ago 1
must knit today. Just close your eyes and think of the money lol
fyrewitch loves
15 years ago
class of the Titans. Hermes: I might be the God of Communication, but I've just learned to drag and drop. LOL
fyrewitch shares
15 years ago 2
fyrewitch wishes
15 years ago 5
everyone a very good morning!
fyrewitch wonders
15 years ago 4
to knit or to clean ... that is the question