Robin Season
58Friends 17Fans
female Lawton, OK, United States
Robin Season
7 years ago
I was really stressed and upset about how late I ended up leaving on the trip yesterday but on the plus side I don't remember the last time I got to see this stretch of road in daylight, Because by the time I make it here whether I'm going north or south it's always dark LOL
Robin Season
7 years ago 9
Robin Season
7 years ago
I slept almost 16 hours last night/this morning. I'm also ready to go back to bed very soon...
Robin Season
7 years ago 7
finally home. half frozen because most of the trip was in below zero temps. I was supposed to leave again tomorrow to go back up to Michigan, but Spawn's car isn't fixed yet, so I have no fucking clue.
Robin Season
7 years ago
it was 70 Wednesday. it was 7 below zero when I got off the bus this morning.
Robin Season
7 years ago 19
made it safe to Michigan this morning; now I'm sitting in the chalet with WiFi and chili and hot cider while Bratling has her ski lesson
Robin Season
7 years ago
last stop of the night before I get home. in getting too old for this -_-
Robin Season
7 years ago 1
I am to the point in the trip where all I have to do is close my eyes and let myself and I'm asleep. the question is finding a time and place I feel safe enough to let myself. and I probably need to dig my coat out of the suitcase, cus it's below zero out again. (it was 70 on Wednesday damnit)
Robin Season
7 years ago 6
the great thing about technology is that you don't have to take as much physical stuff with you on trips ;-)
Robin Season
7 years ago 28
it's a good thing my old Naruto content isn't as important to me as it once was; I didn't know Y!gallery went down and the stuff is unrecoverable