♛ Frissα ♛
120Friends 72Fans
♛ Frissα ♛
13 years ago
hampir setaon pake plurk nih... tapi ga pernah sampe nirvana.. blm waktunye kali yee..
♛ Frissα ♛
13 years ago 3
hebaaaat... karmaku tryt masih 71,47... tak pikir wes 00,00
♛ Frissα ♛
14 years ago 2
apaan c block IP segala? +GEJE besar plurk
♛ Frissα ♛
14 years ago
A world without you means nothing to me
♛ Frissα ♛
14 years ago
Don't quit because something went wrong. Quit because you tried your hardest and nothing made it better. #aceoflife
♛ Frissα ♛
14 years ago
Sometimes, you gotta forget how you feel & remember what you deserve!!! ♥
♛ Frissα ♛
14 years ago 3
koncoku memang paling tai sedunia.. HAHAHHAA
♛ Frissα ♛
14 years ago
kasian bgt ig tmn2ku..
♛ Frissα ♛
14 years ago
pagi ini aneh...
♛ Frissα ♛
14 years ago 3
Men should never hit a woman. Those that do always say "I'm sorry it'll never happen again". This becomes a repetitive cycle & never changes