Trademark India
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female Delhi, India
Get your Trademark Registration done with expert trademark professionals starting from TM Search. A team will guide for successful trademark registration. Interested people may avail our services through contacting us via contact@freetrademarksearch.
Trademark India shares
10 years ago
You can define #webhostingandmaintenanceservices within trademark class 42, if you want to start of providing such services to the customers.
Trademark India shares
10 years ago
#rentalofcomputerhardwareandsoftwarefacilities should to categorize with trademark class 42 during registration of mark or brand name.
Trademark India shares
10 years ago
You can define also trademark class 42 for various it services if you want to launch such services in the market with a registered brand name.
Trademark India shares
10 years ago
Services related with computer hardware and software can be defined within trademark class 42 during registration of mark for these services.
Trademark India shares
10 years ago
Computer, scientific and legal work is used to describe within trademark class 42, if you want to build a brand name for these products.
Trademark India shares
10 years ago
Contact Us at Free Trademark Search, where your ideas are turned success through our best trademark services along with trademark class 41.
Trademark India shares
10 years ago
Facilities and services for gambling can be also brought within trademark class 41 before registration of mark at tm office in your city.
Trademark India shares
10 years ago
Cultural activities, you can register for a brand name along with keeping separate under trademark class 41 that is necessary at all.
Trademark India shares
10 years ago
Services connected with sports and fitness, you can simply describe under trademark class 41 before registration of mark or brand name.
Trademark India shares
10 years ago
All types of library services are to define within trademark class 41 when it comes to build a brand name according to tm law act.