Freeman 0_0
13Friends 56Fans
male Taiwan
Freeman 0_0 shares
15 years ago
Very funny photos artwork website:
Freeman 0_0 shares
15 years ago
你值不值得別人對你好? - 啪啦報報共筆部落格其實學會信任真的不是一件簡單的事情
Freeman 0_0 loves
15 years ago 1
有一堂課跟組員上台跳了這段舞:Jai Ho Dance (From the movie: Slumdog Millionaire) Jai Ho - The Story (HQ) - Slumdog Millionaire 2008/9 其他網路上的版本 Slumdog Millionaire Dance - Jai Ho
Freeman 0_0 shares
15 years ago