76Friends 216Fans
male Johor Bahru, Malaysia
An ordinary Malaysian living in the most Southern part of Johor. - List of All Emoticons for Plurk users - FrankVet Sanctuary - 獸の物語(Beast Whisperer)
frankvet feels
11 years ago
Congestion here in the cyber traffic! Very lag! I hardly log on and refresh the latest result of voting! :'-(
frankvet thinks
11 years ago 2
佛說,“不可云”,道說,“道可道,非常道”。。。唐僧說,“沒有幾個凡人懂。。。”我就是個庸俗的凡人,真的不懂。。。這裡有沒有人可以解釋一下?! 8-)
frankvet feels
11 years ago
One more pill and I will have to stop the prescription by tomorrow! Staying Alive!
frankvet feels
11 years ago
是生病?還是吃藥吃壞了?為什麼突然覺得做人很累?還是經典電影“Face Off”的劇情影響?突然有一股“豬八戒照鏡子”的挫折感。。。真的好累。。。 (tears)
frankvet feels
11 years ago
Just took the medicine... going to be in the drowsiness again... (:
frankvet feels
11 years ago
5.1勞動節居然是我的養病日。。。天!好累哦。。。 :-&
frankvet says
11 years ago
I am not feeling well now... an overnight outbreak... Don't ask me why, I have no idea. Could be FLU* attack! I think I need some breaks here... *Certainly not HXNX! :'-(
frankvet says
11 years ago
frankvet thinks
11 years ago
最近又有百思不得其解的事情。。。為什麼好人往往都比較早說“拜拜(往生)”~!有沒有人可以解釋。。。 (tears)