56Friends 8Fans
female Front Royal, VA, United States
Nightshift RN, working to fund my many hobbies: knitting, crocheting, writing, drawing, pasteling. I also have a knitting and crocheting podcast with my Mom (ladyfernaco): Pen, Hook, And; Needles. Check us out on iTunes!
11 years ago 4
Finally blocking out the lace part of the Lush sweater by tincanknits. Now I feel like I've accomplished something! :-D
11 years ago 5
Boyfriend earned serious points; got me a really nice cowboy hat for my birthday. :-)
11 years ago 3
That was.... different... It's been a long time since a dream's been frightening enough and vivid enough to knock me into wakefulness. Guess that nap is done now.
11 years ago 3
Kind of creepy... my fridge sounds like it's breathing like Darth Vader...
11 years ago 2
I don't like mushrooms, but I'm going to try chicken portabello mushroom ravioli. We'll see how that goes...
11 years ago 3
According to my comic books facts book my Dad got me for Christmas, only 7% of DC comics' readers are women. Wow. Apparently I'm quite rare. 8-)
11 years ago 3
19 degrees out. Brrrrr.
11 years ago 6
Merry Christmas!
11 years ago 2
Enjoyed watching the Nutcracker at George Mason with boyfriend and the dinner that followed. :-)
11 years ago 4
After several nap attacks and something to eat, feeling slightly more awake. Back to knitting on the Ginny Cardigan and watching Knit Nerd Podcast.