52Friends 41Fans
female Jacksonville, FL, United States
Roxy says
13 years ago
woots it wasn't a busy day, I was just preoccupied it was an easy day at work today.
Roxy says
13 years ago 4
Happy Monday everyone!!! I hope my Monday turns out great off to work, Plurk y'all laterz! :-)
Roxy says
13 years ago
Stomp Stomp I've Arrived!
Roxy says
13 years ago
Roxy says
13 years ago
ok so My laptop is all sorted out... it's organized and its like new again... now I don't know anything else to do with it.
Roxy says
13 years ago 3
Ive always wanted a new tattoo but... what?
Roxy says
13 years ago
Organizing My Laptop, done with all my icons on my Desk Top, deleted unnecessary files Im really bored but I'm being productive though! ;-)
Roxy says
13 years ago
Chillin and listening to music... Reminds me of highschool days.
Roxy says
13 years ago 2
Yay! I just got Jessie J's album. Finally. ;-)
Roxy says
13 years ago
just came back from best buy... having a headache cuz I came back home with nothing. just did a little window shopping... (gpokerface)