7Friends 6Fans
female Truth Or Consequences, NM, United States
Writer, Artist and webdesigner
foovay is
16 years ago
trying to decide what to do today. I'm so between things. I have a poll going - vote?
foovay is
16 years ago
back from town. Bought more art supplies. Two new tires for car. Almost time to feed the critters. 10,000 B.C. is too stupid to watch
foovay feels
16 years ago 3
this blog entry is important. Not that anyone here gives a flying fuck
foovay hopes
16 years ago
you will help me choose my next novel (to write)
foovay wonders
16 years ago
how I'm going to figure out a schedule for me with one or both men home all the time. Got one on days, one on nights.
foovay says
16 years ago
new Monday dance entry up at my blog
foovay is
16 years ago 1
thinking of Ms. Rachel. I just explored our new Walmart - saw a pack of 24 different colored Sharpies I know she would love :-D
foovay has
16 years ago
a desert storm brewing outside. Inner storm apparently brewing in my stomach. Time to turn off the computer I think.
foovay feels
16 years ago
very...uh...inner turned today. New blog post: not that anyone here reads or gives a fuck
foovay feels
16 years ago
tired and wimpy. I need to finish cleaning house and work more but all I want to do is sleep. Blame it on the rain lurking in the east