13Friends 159Fans
female Ellendale, MN, United States
Hello my name is Linda, i like to talk about the economy problems that we all suffering. I usually answer financial questions on this website www.financialcrisis2009.org
financialcrisis2009 says
12 years ago
Can anyone have more than a checking account? - Lets say I have a checking account in washintong Mutual, then there ... ow.ly/1ki5aC
financialcrisis2009 says
12 years ago
Would you buy an overpriced house??? - Would you buy a house that was overpriced for the neighborhood it was in, but... ow.ly/1khZcm
financialcrisis2009 says
12 years ago
Realtor / Listing agent submitted a wrong offer!? - After placing several offers on a bank owned property we finally... ow.ly/1khQCo
financialcrisis2009 says
12 years ago
What happens if you fall ill in Canada with no travel insurance? ow.ly/1khH6w
financialcrisis2009 says
12 years ago
Why do wealthy people use credit cards? - if wealthy people have money,why pay interest?why not use bank cards? ow.ly/1khDZP
financialcrisis2009 says
12 years ago
I have just started reading the secret,will I continue or scrap it? ow.ly/1khzqu
financialcrisis2009 says
12 years ago
What should i spend my $20 on? - what?! anything helps. ow.ly/1kht5X
financialcrisis2009 says
12 years ago
Is it unethical or hypocritical for a childless couple to buy a house in a good school district? ow.ly/1khgRg
financialcrisis2009 says
12 years ago
U.S. Postal Service is now privately owned. Who owns it? - I have asked before, but people keep telling me the gover... ow.ly/1khb5A