Mrs. B
33Friends 4Fans
female Wynnewood, PA, United States
Thanks for nothing kiss my ass
Mrs. B
10 years ago 3
Mrs. B
10 years ago 3
爱你爱到不怕死 但你若劈腿 就去死一死
Mrs. B
10 years ago 4
You scam artist!!!" "Do you want to practice with chopsticks?" "Sure" "Don't break it~" "No I won't... if I don't like you" LOL THE FUNNIEST CONVERSATION BETWEEN US
Mrs. B
10 years ago 2
"Oh really?" "Yea! I didn't know you're doing average!
Mrs. B
10 years ago 2
"Did I win?" "No" "How's other people?" "Becky's sister got the most" "Yea, we're taking average." "Are you serious? You're doing average? I didn't know that, I could've do it better!"
Mrs. B
10 years ago 2
Mrs. B
10 years ago 3
I don't know how you do it, making love out of nothing at all
Mrs. B
10 years ago 3
Mrs. B
10 years ago 2
Mrs. B
10 years ago 3
The Kevins I've known are great.