wish i could post pictures on here cuz i got a kitten and he's adorable
Sweeney Todd final scene my beloved
aplatonic person eating an apple. #cannibalismcore
that's the good news. the bad news is my cat has cancer and while he's okay right now it's an aggressive type and there's really nothing they can do for him so he has weeks-months left...
but i want to focus on the positives
I'm getting a kitten soon!
holy shit guys that episode was amazing
i feel bad for the amount of times Lake has to come online to like. 5-6 messages that all have multiple paragraphs and it's just me being mentally ill about dropout
i wonder what percentage of my plurks so far have been game changer/dropout in general related i feel like i just won't shut up about it (the hyperfixation is strong)
sosososossososossosososoooo excited about new game changer episode