213Friends 130Fans
female Tulsa, OK, United States
Happily doing not much of anything.

Feles says
10 years ago 1
https://i.imgur.com/fuokyeE.jpg feels sorta like my job some days :-D
Feles says
10 years ago 4
loving all the <3 RP on my timeline. So ready to shop.
Feles says
10 years ago 4
belated good morning. It's been great catching up, I missed you guys
Feles says
10 years ago 2
SL name? Feles, from a random poor Latin translation thing with bad kitty in it, feles mala. Last name, I closed my eyes and clicked.
10 years ago 5
randomly appears ... ohhai
Feles says
11 years ago
yay for my cat man bc his pic made sexiest of the day gyazo.com/d2f648ace01cd4... for jennnnnajameson.blogspot... No nudity in gyazo grab
Feles says
11 years ago 2
so with my $10L gift I can get pole dancer emotes or a sample of RP sexytext. Decisions decisions
Feles says
11 years ago 2
happy valentine's day
11 years ago 3
waves hi -- yes yes yes another awesomelyinterestinglyamazing plurk for all you'all who stick around <3
Feles says
11 years ago 3
thank you Gos for enabling my skin matching laziness http://www.flickr.com/photos/feles/8416315774/