Feeza J
69Friends 79Fans
female Singapore
I go by the pseudonym feeza j.
I like long walks on beaches , poetry and poking dead things with sticks.

Feeza J says
15 years ago 5
Ie weally dunch loike peeple huee donchnoees how 22 typee leyhhsx. Velli annoyinqqqqqqq siax! (LOL)
Feeza J says
15 years ago 8
Hullo. I got pimples. I want to kill myshelf. :'-(
Feeza J says
15 years ago
I need green tea, I need green tea, I need cash.
Feeza J says
15 years ago 4
"5 hari takde u, hidop i cam kosong gitu." YOU ARE THE SWEETEST LAH! (heart)
Feeza J is
15 years ago 3
on the phone with her love, khairul azri. EEEEEEEEEEEEK, RINDU NYERRRRRRRRRRR.
Feeza J says
15 years ago 4
Woah! everyone in plurk is so active today! So many responses :-D
Feeza J says
15 years ago 5
Any good songs you guys want to reccomend my NEW blog? HEH. I emphasize on the word "NEW"
Feeza J is
15 years ago 20
craving for pokka green tea, too bad I have no $$$kachingSSS. :-(
Feeza J says
15 years ago 3
my hamster is so quiet. Is it dead? (unsure)
Feeza J says
15 years ago 5