fel chan
8Friends 1Fans
female Glugor, Malaysia
Felicia Chan♥
pcghs. K3C.
fel chan says
16 years ago
it's the third day of the last month of the year!
fel chan says
16 years ago
she really BORED.. (annoyed)
fel chan says
16 years ago 1
holidays is really bored! (annoyed)
fel chan says
16 years ago
it's the second day of the last month of the year. (dance)
fel chan wants
16 years ago
fel chan is
16 years ago
wondering why is she here...
fel chan is
16 years ago
really really thinking hard...
fel chan needs
16 years ago
fel chan needs
16 years ago
fel chan hates
16 years ago
taking something when that thing is not her cup of tea!