2Friends 3Fans
female Cebu, Philippines
15 years ago
doesnt get it wen d karma goes up :S
fatmomma wishes
15 years ago 3
dream will never end.....
fatmomma is
15 years ago
wondering what is marielle doin ryt now hehehe......:-))
fatmomma wishes
15 years ago 2
she could teleport so dat she could go to oder places like .......?
fatmomma feels
15 years ago
fatmomma asks
15 years ago
God if he could help me......:-D
fatmomma will
15 years ago
try to have the courage to talk to her or be frends wid her again...... :-) :-( :-o
fatmomma is
15 years ago 5
uuuhhhhh.......... speechless....
fatmomma is
15 years ago
is gettin tired.....
fatmomma is
15 years ago
happy fathers day!!!!!