there’s such a thing as an energy vampire, someone who lives off the energy of other people. Haven’t you ever known someone like that? Where they take and don’t give and just sort of exhaust people?
<Improbable Magic for Cynical Witches>Kate Scelsa
We piece an approximation of a person together from finding what we like and eschewing what we hate, and somewhere in that muddle we find ourselves.
<Infamous>Lex Croucher
It was the perfect meet-cute, except when you're a girl who likes other girls, there's this little additional dance, because what if she doesn't? So you're not looking for red flags like a girl does with a guy–you're looking for rainbow ones.
<The Girls I've Been>Tess Sharpe
I want to be a context for you, and you for me.
<This Is How You Lose the Time War>Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone
連續看了Tess Sharpe的<6 Times We Almost Kissed (And One Time We Did)>跟<The Girls I've Been>
<A Day of Fallen Night(The Roots of Chaos) >Samantha Shannon
看完一個多禮拜還是沉浸在這本書好好看的情緒裡,要我推薦queer high fantasy(非YA向)的小說就是這一本了