is it normal that we get rlly awkward at times and just look at each other and laugh were like both introverts
heh...sai...sei una persona molto carismatica......heh.
Now I'm lending them a book :3
Hughfgfhfhfh i like them sm when we were at the theatre at some point ther put their hand a lil closer to mine and so did I and they progressively got closed and this is just to say our pinkies were close to each other and in contact!!!! But I was so EGDGEWFEFE
alr im going back to studying
close your eye s lyra
a minute ago reply
i'll be there soon???? ichi ni san shi ko fuun? toki doki onto ni ne tai? demo kono wado dekinai? oyasumi? oyasumi? oyasumi? oyasu? oyasumi oyasumi? close your eyes and you'll leave this dream? oyasumi oyasumi? i know that it's hard to do?