8Friends 3Fans
male Blitar, Indonesia
fahzis rasa
14 years ago
;-) ;-) ;-)
fahzis bilang
14 years ago
oh my god, thank you...... :-)
fahzis bilang
14 years ago
a kilo of airplane compared to one kilo of rice. One kilo of airplane costs thirty thousand US dollars and one kilo of rice is seven cents.
fahzis berbagi
14 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/7327248_68cbc963205cc63aeb5a313e98b44d8e.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7327248_8e8385a4cdb131334f24e4aed23d84ad.jpg
fahzis pikir
14 years ago
czog ulngn . . . . ,, beh