19Friends 14Fans
male Jalan Jaksa, Indonesia
fahrurozi says
15 years ago
maybe this day
fahrurozi says
15 years ago
do i need you? or want you? noooo it was so last year..
15 years ago
perfect day!
15 years ago
fahrurozi feels
15 years ago
days of joy, days of sadness
fahrurozi thinks
15 years ago
he doesnt want to be a friend of someone who didn't want to be his friend. there's no way they can be my friends. no way at all.
fahrurozi feels
15 years ago
cold, terribly cold. maybe infected with several cough viruses..
fahrurozi thinks
15 years ago
www.plurk.com/icacacacac... mana lo katanya mau online cuh!
fahrurozi thinks
15 years ago
there ain't no space to stand.
fahrurozi feels
15 years ago
tired after all