5Friends 9Fans
female Lafayette, IN, United States
Photographer/Artist that makes snippy remarks, talks back, and I enjoy saying things before I think about them.
fabul1z hopes
16 years ago
my art teacher is okay. she fell and hurt herself this weekend. class is canceled. :-(
fabul1z thinks
16 years ago
thank god that last week is over
fabul1z thinks
16 years ago
it's time for bed. What a productive day!!!
fabul1z has
16 years ago
finished paper number two of the day. "Marketing to Generation Y"
fabul1z needs
16 years ago
to finish her second paper of the day
fabul1z has
16 years ago
just gotten her mary-kay cherry popped
fabul1z is
16 years ago
going to a mary-kay party and getting a facial tonight. huzzah
fabul1z is
16 years ago
documenting her little "dudes". look for them on www.crazyspazliz.deviant... soon!
fabul1z is
16 years ago
finishing up the whole "plushie" thing
fabul1z is
16 years ago
having one of the worst days ever. i've cried on three different occasions today.