2Friends 1Fans
female Mandaluyong City, Philippines extrovert type and loves to surf the neT..i love to cOok but sad to saY i was not granted by that talents..haha..
anyway..i know how to sing..a vocal leader on our christian church..
fOxXybelz is
15 years ago
just finished cheese hot dog.. :-D
fOxXybelz is
15 years ago
haixt..cant adjust to my new phOne..i miss my old one:-(
fOxXybelz is
15 years ago
getting bored out here at the office..
fOxXybelz is
15 years ago
shit of doing projects in psychotherapy
fOxXybelz is
15 years ago
:-(help me
fOxXybelz is
15 years ago
newbie here..kinda cOnfusEd on how to use this..but now kinda eNjoying..hehe