141Friends 461Fans
female Quezon City, Philippines
A friend is someone, who upon seeing another friend in immense pain, would rather be the one experiencing the pain than to have to watch their friend suffer.
Amanda Grier
hanndyydandyyy ipinamamahagi
12 years ago
So,it's funny how my philo readings are kinda answering my dilemmas. "Kahit na hindi potensyal, gawin mong potensyal, buoin mo ang loob mo."
hanndyydandyyy says
12 years ago
Fix my life time. :-)
hanndyydandyyy ipinamamahagi
12 years ago
sleepy already.
hanndyydandyyy ipinamamahagi
12 years ago
When he says, "answer please."
hanndyydandyyy ipinamamahagi
12 years ago
What if it's more than just a game?
hanndyydandyyy ipinamamahagi
12 years ago
It's really heartwarming when he sacrifices a part of his time to call you in spite of his busy schedule. <3
hanndyydandyyy ipinamamahagi
12 years ago
Cried while talking to my mom about the situation of the lolos and lolas in the home for the aged I went to earlier. :-(
hanndyydandyyy ipinamamahagi
12 years ago
It's funny how just seeing your name beside (12) for 12 missed calls made me happy already, and i'm not even answering.
hanndyydandyyy ipinamamahagi
12 years ago
How is it possible that you're both my inspiration and distraction? this is not good. :-))
hanndyydandyyy ipinamamahagi
12 years ago
Sleep, stressed, exhausted.