10Friends 11Fans
female Tagoloan, Philippines
s m i L e :-D
exshangkoi says
12 years ago
Whenever I can't find something, it just magically appears when my mom looks for it. (doh)
exshangkoi says
12 years ago
If she's amazing,she wont be easy.If she's easy,she wont be amazing.If she's worth it,you won't give up.If you give up,ur not worthy.
exshangkoi says
12 years ago
Don't search for love, search for someone that makes you happy. Sooner or later, that happiness will evolve into love. (heart)
exshangkoi says
12 years ago
karma up (devil) yepeey ! (applause)
exshangkoi says
12 years ago
I cared, you didn't. I cried, you laughed. I was hurt, you smiled. I moved on, you realized. Too late. (tears)
exshangkoi says
12 years ago
LAZY RULE: Can't reach it, don't need it. (tongue)
exshangkoi says
12 years ago
When one of the cutest guys in school sits next to you in class...........yes it will happen when you believe :-"D
exshangkoi says
12 years ago
Don't let one bad day turn into a bad week, or bad month or bad year because you chose to give up prematurely. ;-)
exshangkoi says
12 years ago
That moment when I'm having quality time with my bed and my alarm interrupts. DEAR ALARM, YOU JEALOUS?
exshangkoi says
12 years ago
I hate when my parents say bad things about me out loud just so I can hear it. (angry)