19Friends 10Fans
male Philippines
We dream. We hope. We are.
and then, we weren't anymore. OH SHIT, OH SHIT, WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE.
15 years ago 1
For the Widows in Paradise, goodmorning.
on a scale of YES or NO, are you happy?
15 years ago 1
IF you were STRANDED on a DESERTED island, bakit ka andoon?!
explosionsinmyhead is
15 years ago
SOUP. *usok*
can feel the asthma kicking in.
explosionsinmyhead is
15 years ago
attempting a MARTIN HOUR. think earth hour except i'm turning ME off.
when we are dead, they will eat us alive. or will they? didn't we? o.0
15 years ago 2
g'morning boys and girls! :-)
die boredom die!
I'm fragile in your midst.