31Friends 20Fans
female Bandung, Indonesia
cinde is like most people! sedang mencari jati-diri.
cinde tanya
15 years ago
novel yang asik critanya paan yaa? tpi jng terlalu rubet kata"ya.
cinde akan
15 years ago
17an pgn ikutan lomba balap karung byar nambah tinggi , kan loncat"an (LOL)
cinde bilang
15 years ago
satnite di warnet :-(
cinde bilang
15 years ago
week end yng berkesan kmna ya?
cinde bilang
15 years ago
hope tomorrow is happy day :-D
cinde rasa
15 years ago
ngantuk bgt ngga usah minum obat tdur jga psti pules (LOL)
cinde berharap
15 years ago
someone in here
cinde tadi
15 years ago 1
if me get oportunity to feel beutifull love i will to receive cos love is gift from Allah ;-)
cinde was
15 years ago
ajarin dong !! ga ngerti
cinde was
15 years ago
exam .. must study hard