[tap... tap... tap...] Is this thing on?
karma scores are like golf.
what's been happening over here. Also wonders how many others have Karma of ZERO. Should form a club.
the wording "no fans yet" is rather negative. If I didn't friend people, I'd have 50+ fans. So why make it sound like I'm a poser?
surprised Plurk is still seeing updates now that Twitter is responding better. Who knew we weren't that fickle?
like he's cheating on Twitter when he plurks. Can I stick my plurks on Twitter? How do I get a feed of JUST MY plurks?
hungry. Why just look at the time!
if others think that the Plurk timeline goes the wrong way? I read from left to right...
' Invite your real friends to boost your karma' makes it seem like people are inviting their fake friends.