being like you, Peter. take a big step for big move with faith in Him
goin' to Public Library at Compass Point..
When my commitments r tested in the fires of life,may God grant me a greater experience of His enduring love&d grace2demonstrate it each day
today is so amazing. haha. lagi nyikat kamar mandi si botak, dpt tlp dr someone yg bikin hati senang sekali. hahahahahahaha
humililty means trusting GOD 100% not 99% to do His work in us.. *biar humble menanti pekerjaan yg terbaik, ter...*
baru beres nyetrika.. mandi aaaa
pengin caregroup GOD.. tp I'll obey U..
missing bandung badly.. ga asik ah di siniiiii
beneran ga tidur all night long neh.. -_-"
that my perfect plan may not be UR Master plan.. teach me to trust in U by faith nd not by my sight, Lord.. *fear bout jobless in sing*