龍奉宮(普陀山) Karma: 60.42
not stating / other
- 南投縣, 南投市, Taiwan
析木👑 Karma: 87.29
not stating / other
- Taiwan
ying920811 Karma: 0.00
not stating / other
- Tainan City, Taiwan
Wayne_alien Karma: 81.27
not stating / other
- Hong Kong
貓角🐱好好說話 Karma: 95.04
not stating / other
- Poland
咖哩💫 Karma: 100.00
- University of Stress and Tension , Hong Kong
水果茶 Karma: 87.13
- Taiwan
麻糬🌺史勇露一家三口 Karma: 133.12
not stating / other
- Taipei, Taiwan