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7 years ago
"In 2018, security breaches should be thought of as inevitable... as a result, the focus is shifting from prevention to resilience," Srinivasan said.
#securitybreaches #IoT #eScan #informationsecurity #cybersecurity #ransomware
Security in IoT space to be of prime focus in 2018: ...
eScan shares
7 years ago
The security update addresses the vulnerability by correcting how the affected Office component handles objects in memory.
#eScan #microsoftoffice #CVE
Microsoft office has releases patch for CVE-2017-118...
eScan shares
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
"Microsoft Gold Partnership establishes our drive towards developing world-class products at par with our global peers and provides security to the vast MS platform users" - Mr. Govind Rammurthy, CEO & MD, eScan
#MSgold #microsoftpartnership #eScan
eScan retains its Gold Partnership with Microsoft - ...
eScan shares
7 years ago
An alert issued by the Department of Homeland Security warned of surreptitious activity by the Volgmer malware (Hidden Cobra)
#eScan #volgmer #hiddencobra
US issues alert about Volgmer malware - Blog eScan
eScan shares
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Ad fraud prevention requires a critical identity in the marketing industry to battle out this apparent inevitability.
#eScan #adfraud #mobile
The Bane of Mobile Ad Fraud - Blog eScan
eScan shares
7 years ago
Uber neglects to maintain the security of 57 million customers and drivers personal data. Another setback from uber
#Uber #hackers #eScan #databreach
Uber Paid Hackers $100,000 For Silence On Cyberattack That Expose...
eScan shares
7 years ago
Microsoft has released a large batch of updates to vulnerabilities as part of its Patch Tuesday for the month of November 2017.
#microsoftbatchrelease #eScan #adobe
Microsoft has released batch updates to vulnerabilit...
eScan shares
7 years ago
The Stroman Ransomware is an encryption ransomware Trojan, which takes victims' files hostage while CryptoMix continues to change its extension to attack.
#CryptoMix #Stroman #ransomwarealert #eScan
eScan shares
7 years ago
eScan weekly offline updates have been uploaded here:
#eScan #weeklyofflineupdate #InfosecUpdateNow!
eScan shares
7 years ago
Cyber-attacks are rising severely in the healthcare industry since medical records/ data carry immeasurable value than any other online scams
#IoMT #cyberattack #eScan #healthcare
IoMT attack looms large on health care industry - Bl...