I never got around to reinstalling Discord on the new computer, following the trauma of the laptop crash. Will have to get it running again, for the sake of keeping more up-to-date with the gang. /fingers crossed for tonight
[RP] [Game-shopping] I wanted to bring my woobie into a new game (probably City of Sin or Boomtown, based on y'alls activity here), but her background is so damn complicated (read 98%headcanon) that I just give up when looking at the apps. Maybe I should just commit to bringing a tiny hellion in to Ohana and recast Sofia. /torn
[Ohana] So.. turns out my memory is about as crappy as Sofia's continuity. I was going off the memory of Sofia not having Halloween - because they specifically called it AHE - but the Google reminded me that an early-early episode DID call it Halloween. /headdesk
[Ohana] When I get home from work (6p EST) I'm going to have The Weather Channel on - it's my stress relief - so if anyone wants a "local" play-by-play or weather updates, let me know!
[Ohana] The down side to not being at home is that I can't watch the updates on Lane, on the Weather Channel. I'm used to hurricanes, in Florida.. I can't imagine what kind of WTF?! those folks are feeling, right now! <3