// e
48Friends 23Fans
male Los Angeles, CA, United States
// e is
16 years ago 3
glad his email is slow... he hasn't had his special "plurk time" lately ;-)
// e likes
16 years ago 2
that internet-celeb tom is on plurk but enough with the "vote on this!" plurks already jeez (lame)
// e says
16 years ago
okay my itunes "bad brains" ended and now i'm into "bad religion"...
// e thinks
16 years ago 10
catching up on plurk after missing a couple days is a bitch. (s_annoyed)
// e has
16 years ago
just got "the quickness" after catching up on pownce and seeing this post
// e has
16 years ago 3
been a bad plurker. BAD! not on (plurk) for a couple days! :-o
// e has
16 years ago 5
one eye on the dodger game, the other eye on plurk.
// e wants
16 years ago
to get the fuck out of here it's almost 6pm here friday and the office is a dead zone wtf? (s_annoyed)
// e has
16 years ago 8
just "double plurked". somehow a reply i put in a plurk showed up on _two_ plurks! what teh plurk??