9Friends 11Fans
male Tangerang, Indonesia
muka setan rasa ketan,, ketagihan perawan,,
er_madaniy needs
13 years ago
tea plus lemonade
er_madaniy shares
15 years ago
er_madaniy needs
15 years ago
high quality of slip and drim within Angelina Jolie or Lylla Ninocha, perfect be both of dem, Whaa..
er_madaniy wonders
15 years ago
,will I up again tomorrow morning? same Q evrynight I went slept...
er_madaniy feels
15 years ago
PW tenan... :-)
er_madaniy is
15 years ago
praying "Laa tahZan innallaha ma'anaa..."
er_madaniy is
15 years ago
home is where people thinks you a lots. -Uzumaki Naruto
er_madaniy is
15 years ago
thinking a sentence from OM 2nd C "keinginan Anda tidak penting, bila untuk pencapaiannya-Anda tidak bersedia untuk bertarung."
er_madaniy is
15 years ago
tryin to touch a cool water on shower room. AKA*mandi pagi buta
er_madaniy is
15 years ago
mencari sesuatu tuk d makan,,cuma nemu kripik doang. yo..wis..hajar bleh :'-(