; 7436' :D
37Friends 36Fans
female Singapore
th name's qien.

I don't need your sympathy .
; 7436' :D says
14 years ago
Ya k. Whatever. Seriously. I have better things to do than this.
; 7436' :D is
15 years ago
maybe gna move to twitter ^^
; 7436' :D says
15 years ago
lazy plurk much alr ;dan
; 7436' :D says
15 years ago
wtf, i full screened my FF >.>
; 7436' :D is
15 years ago
freezing her plurk ;^^
; 7436' :D has
15 years ago
a new ipod shuffle ^^ & i named it baby (K)
; 7436' :D says
15 years ago
Wow .
; 7436' :D shares
15 years ago
Taeyang 태양 - Wedding Dress 웨딩드레스 (Piano) The song's sweet @_@ . Esp the dang dang dang dang part XD .
; 7436' :D is
15 years ago
viewing everythingf rom a 3rd person perspective naoz /
; 7436' :D is
15 years ago
going out with glenda later ^^