57Friends 25Fans
female Manila, Philippines
- Filipino
- College Student
- Frustrated Graphic Artist
- Wannabe Photographer
- Makeup Enthusiast
- Japanese Fan
- Great Procrastinator

fuckyeahgrace says
13 years ago
Star Wars marathon :-)
fuckyeahgrace says
13 years ago
I don't want to do anything that is school related. I'm getting sick of it really. :<
fuckyeahgrace says
13 years ago 2
Using academics to blackmail students to attend events that they don't give shit about, really? I thought this is a democratic country.
fuckyeahgrace says
13 years ago
I don't want to go to school tomorrow. FUCK. :<
fuckyeahgrace says
13 years ago
From my RSoF series, I found this pseudo-Mio (K-On) picture. LOL. 28.media.tumblr.com/tumb...
fuckyeahgrace says
13 years ago
My very first version of Little Red Riding Hood. :-) 25.media.tumblr.com/tumb...
fuckyeahgrace says
13 years ago
Little Red Riding Hood version 2.0. 27.media.tumblr.com/tumb...
fuckyeahgrace says
13 years ago
And for Hanukkah, my parents gave me this really expensive white-gold hoops. I have to pretend that I don't even like them. It was so sad.
fuckyeahgrace says
13 years ago
Tons of cases to read in Legal Ethics and to put a cherry on top, I need to memorize 10 provisions in Law on Property. Xmas break, I need.
fuckyeahgrace shares
13 years ago
New babies <3 https://images.plurk.com/3252856_f01cb56152299110c28a7d15abd62a2f.jpg