345. Try everything offered by supermarket food demonstrators. #LifesLittleInstructionBook
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344. Be open to new ideas. #LifesLittleInstructionBook
343. Regarding furniture and clothes: if you think you'll be using them five years or longer, buy the best you can afford. #LifesLittleInstructionBook
341. Don't be fooled. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. #LifesLittleInstructionBook
340. Don't think a higher price always means higher quality. #LifesLittleInstructionBook
338. Live your life so that your epitaph could read, "No regrets." #LifesLittleInstructionBook
337. Reread your favorite book. #LifesLittleInstructionBook
336. Don't interrupt. #LifesLittleInstructionBook
335. Ever so often push your luck. #LifesLittleInstructionBook