Today human being has entered in the 21st century wherein it is the era of information that is being collected from electronic mail, computer, and internet tools -
There are numerous benefits and rewards for leaning of Quran as it helps every Muslim about how to spend his life and how to lead his family under the predefined limits - learnthequran.livejourna...
It is foremost obligation of every Muslim to learn Holy Quran and also teach the same to their children so that they can understand the way of life and spend it according - learnthequran.livejourna...
There are many benefits of the internet if you can utilize it for the right purpose. Technology is offering us a life full of comfort and ease. It is a life today like a machine - learnthequran.livejourna...
ALLAH (SWT) Has provided complete and authentic remedy to the Muslims through Holy Quran in order to succeed in life. He has given them the best formula for spending lives in - Abandoning of Quran is the cause of Muslim recession