13Friends 35Fans
female AL, United States
Ello luvs, my names emily, im from alabama but trust me, im not a redneck. I love music, my family, my animals, my friends, and meeting new ppl.
[email protected]
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago
movies with kaci later tonite! (dance)
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 2
(mmm)toffee coffee twisted frosty!
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago
cant sleep (:
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 1
emlyjohnsn is
15 years ago 3
eatin taco flavored doritoes! (tongue)
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 2
"i always say how i dont need you but its always gonna come right down to this...please...dont leave me"
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 1
life is so complicated...
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago
gonna go get on gmail bye sexies (bye)
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago
srry i havent been plurking as much lately (doh)