13Friends 35Fans
female AL, United States
Ello luvs, my names emily, im from alabama but trust me, im not a redneck. I love music, my family, my animals, my friends, and meeting new ppl.
[email protected]
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 2
'billie jean is not my lover...' (music)
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago
wowza..my karmas down a lot..stupid plurk.
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 2
emlyjohnsn is
15 years ago
Tired. Im almost too sad to plurk. :-(
emlyjohnsn is
15 years ago 2
going to go take a shower (bye)
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 3
today has been the worst day first Farrah Fawcett and now MJ... (tears)
emlyjohnsn is
15 years ago 7
going to wear black tomorrow :'-(
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 2
awweh :'-( i couldnt plurk for the last two days because my computer messed up. now my karmas down.
emlyjohnsn was
15 years ago 6
watching gossip girl...im addicted
emlyjohnsn is
15 years ago 4
going swimming! bbl (bye)