13Friends 35Fans
female AL, United States
Ello luvs, my names emily, im from alabama but trust me, im not a redneck. I love music, my family, my animals, my friends, and meeting new ppl.
[email protected]
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 6
i had a very nice day :-))
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago
my new neighbors scare me..O_o
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago
yey! kaci comin over tomorrow :-D goin to the mall and lunching possibly
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago 4
New pic.
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago
lol kaci left her swimsuit here
emlyjohnsn has
15 years ago
the most retarded computer ever
emlyjohnsn needs
15 years ago
a haircut im startin to get split ends:-(
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago
ahh i might go swimming today...hopefully its gonna be sunny(goodluck)
emlyjohnsn says
15 years ago
mom's gone away for the weekend to tennesee with some friends... (drinking)